Cape Fear River Trail

As often as I have heard about the Cape Fear River Trail, it wasn’t until this morning that I actually had a chance to check it out. I met a friend there and strapped my baby to my back, she strapped her toddler in a stroller, and we were good to go for a 4 mile trek.  It was a strenuous walk for me, but thoroughly enjoyable with forested trails that wound over waterfalls and under train bridges. We spotted lizards and herons and other critters to the toddler’s delight.

I was pleasantly surprised by how well the trail was planned out. About a mile into our walk there were toilets and a mile further was a water station with coolers that supplied ice cold water. Benches were sprinkled along the trail and the path was wide enough to easily accommodate pedestrians and bikers. Although we did not make it to the end of the trail, my friend informed me that there is a nature center at the end near Clark Park. She said her toddler really enjoyed the animals and the educational displays. Just a heads up, the trail is not a loop; so, do take that into consideration when starting on the trail. The trail is 4 miles from end to end; so, you could easily end up walking a total of 8 miles from your car and back

It was so nice to escape from the city for a while. Honestly, it felt like we were in another world. So, if you need a peaceful break from the busyness of life, or just a good workout outside of the gym, Cape Fear River trail is worth checking out.

For more info,visit:

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